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  • wierdlizzard
    Member since July 22, 2020

    Brawler Name: (LoneIy_Pickel)

    BF4DB fighter profile link: (

    Is the account verified: (Yes)

    Appeal: (so basically someone reported me for cheating and i know for a fact that i didnt cheat because when i was playing i didnt and no one else played on my account and even if they did my accuracy is like 5% so is this really an accuracy of a cheater ?, i would imagine cheaters have accuracy of 50% or higher, thanks for your time and ill wait for a respond)

  • wierdlizzard
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Can you explain how you came to achieve such high damage?,1281615477239214848#a

  • wierdlizzard
    Member since July 22, 2020

    where is the damage column, i dont understand this table honestly

  • wierdlizzard
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Where it says KPH.

    Your KPH was as high as if you were playing in a Hardcore server.

  • wierdlizzard
    Member since July 22, 2020

    probably sniper headshots?
  • wierdlizzard
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You barely have any headshots on those rounds. Your story isn't adding up.

  • wierdlizzard
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The statistics in question point to the use of a multihack. We’re not saying it was definitely you who cheated, but someone on your account did. Unfortunately, as you say your account was not compromised and it was solely under your control, there is little more we can do for you apart from inform you that your ban appeal to lift the multihack verdict has been denied and is therefore unable to be lifted.

    Thank you for using our service and we wish you the best of luck in the future. To prevent complications with BF4DB in the future, we recommend reviewing and familiarizing yourself with the BF4DB banning policy that can be found at the following URL:

    You may click the above link or copy/paste it into a new browser window. If you experience any issues with this, don’t hesitate to open a new support ticket on our Discord. An invite to our Discord can be found by using the following URL:

    Similarly to the previous URL, you may click the URL or copy/paste it into a new browser window. Additionally, the invite can be used within the Discord application. For support on how to use Discord invites, you can visit the following URL:

    As with the previous two URL’s, this may be clicked, or copy-pasted into a  new browser window.

    As mentioned, we wish you the best of luck and hope you have a better day.

    Kindest regards,
