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  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018


    I have  a BIG problem. On may 2018 I was in a server killing my husband to finish the phantom assigment. The auto admin said "hacker" and then i was kicked and banned for the server for suspect of cheating. Im not a cheater, I dont have any program to cheat.  Yesterday a saw my cheat record was in 66%. trying to fix that, i reset my stats. I was only cap flags, my cheat record turned to 71%. Today I was playing in a regular server (TBGClan) my score was 23-69, my cheat record turned to 77%. I went to AE51 server only to shoot to the air, no score. now my cheat score is 79%??????????? I cant believe this. How i can fix that information? How I can change de info?? Tomorrow if my record is 100% i cant play bf4 again?? if you see my record I have More dead than kills, If Im a cheater is suppose to be MORE kills than dead. tell me please what I can do, if something or if I have to speak to some one in Origin, etc. I paid for a game that soon i cant use.

    Im zulypan55

  • zulypan55
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Please click the blue claim button on your BF4DB page (link above). This is so we can verify if you are the owner. 

  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018

    I did, now im banned

  • zulypan55
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Please provide the battlereports that caused your headshot rate to inflate. 

    You can use to find reports easier. 

    Fill in your username, the amount of reports and the starting date where you want to start looking for your reports. 

  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018

    Look those reports: 

    Im not a cheater, i dont know what to do.

  • zulypan55
    Member since May 08, 2017

    I mean battlereports. Provide the ones responsible in this thread and we will take a look. 

  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018

    but there we cant see the problem, because the auto admin kicked and banned me, no finish the round of the game, so no records. was on May 6 2018 AE51 server.

    Any way, yesterday was in 66% and now 100% without cheatings!!!

  • zulypan55
    Member since June 22, 2018

  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018


    The player that I was killing (samito55) is my husband, I was killing him to finish phantom assignment.

    That was on May. If you see my record you can see that I have tooo mannyyyy dead. 

    Schieldman, transfo and samito55 helped me to finish my assigment. we used EOTC and ATX servers.

  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018

    ATX and EOTC are no killing servers, but VIPS and Admins trade kills. Im EOTC admin
  • zulypan55
    Member since September 05, 2018

    And how you can explain without kills yesterday I was 66% and today Im 100%??????

  • zulypan55
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The bot banned you automatically due to your stat padding.

    I can verify that all your suspicious stats are from stat padding.

    I do recommend that you join a server and try to lower the high HSKR on the M1911 and the BULLDOG as it will lead to you getting auto-banned in most servers.

    Feel free to reference this thread if you ever need to appeal your ban with a specific server.

    Also, remember that stat padding is against EA's ToS and can lead to your account getting reset by FairFight.

    Your ban appeal has been,