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  • ii58
    Member since May 18, 2019

    Can I have at least a reason instead of a nope?  Why? This was a long time ago. I just want to play again without needing to risk the linked account issue. I don't do that stuff anymore.

  • ii58
    Member since May 18, 2019

    I literally admitted to my actions and want to correct them

  • ii58
    Member since November 25, 2018

    See for the ban policy.  Bf4db does not give second chances to cheaters.  If any further accounts are found to be linked to the original account, they will also be banned.

  • ii58
    Member since May 18, 2019

    Thank you for doing a better job than these whiteknight twitch admins. I appreciate your response very much

  • ii58
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We dont give second chances

  • ii58
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    If you took 5 minutes to read our policies, you’d know that we don’t give second chances to hackers. Even if they “fess up”. We don’t just ban the account; we ban the player. So if you make a new account, sooner or later it’ll get banned for being a linked account.

    Go through and read our approved ban appeals and count how many times we’ve approved an appeal from someone who admitted to cheating. I’ll save you the time since you won’t do it anyways and I don’t blame you. The number is 0. 

    “But it’s not fair! I should have a second chance!”

    If we played Family Feud and Steve Harvey came out and said “we surveyed 100 server owners/admins, do you think hackers should have a second chance?”

    You’d get a solid 100 points if you answered no. And that’s why we don’t. Also people lie and continue to cheat anyways. Hell, we have people blatantly using aimbot in video evidence THEY submitted as proof that they didn’t hack. So, sorry for your luck, but the answer is no. I recommend playing on Official servers, servers not running our plugin, or another Battlefield title.