Hello dear admins.
this is interesting, but not first time i meet same hack user. how i find who use this hack program?
Just instant die, nothing hit you, no name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NZoqbrSNW0 please look this video. i need help, how i can find the pathetic cheater! and this is not first time i meet same hacker program user! instant die, nobody shot or hit or attack you!!! Why no real working anti cheat program pc games ? why many useless hacker playing this game ?? please help. this hacker worms destroying games or servers!
And yet no one replies... Dafuq? He just needs the help, not being ignored by others. He just showed the proof directly that doesn't take much time so please help us banning the hacker that ruins the satisfaction
Considering that your video shows absolutely nothing, who are we supposed to ban?
Dear admin, i find the hacker. He is banned bf4db. other people same recorded. But the joke is, this video cheater recorded the cheater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQfDdh8UYbs
Cheater call me cheater. but other cheater recorded jekan cheater XD
Another video recorded jekan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSk0gR_Novo
But the real problem is, no punkbuster updated, and this hackers destryoing the game, ea not ban cheaters. I don't understand ea why not use same ban as blizzard. Blizzard only permaban IP and profile. And cheaters never comeback. I'm 1 time talking ea admin, and he say me, we not see videos, send picture's. -.-
If he is playing in servers even after he is banned by us, it is caused by one of the following reasons:
Nothing else we can do at this time.