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  • netcodekinifesuck
    Member since June 25, 2017

    Hadshoots rate ,  instant kill in normal server no headshoots  ,  damage hack  ..... 

  • netcodekinifesuck
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Damage values are normal to me, so no apparent dmg mod.

    HS rate is high but...that's on a sniper bolt server for a player who plays mostly sniper.

    Not sure what you want us to see here.

    Come back with a record showing him aimbotting and then yeah we'll ban him.

  • netcodekinifesuck
    Member since September 05, 2019

    I'm not cheating, wtf. What the hell is this...?!

  • netcodekinifesuck
    Gold Supporter
    Member since May 18, 2019


    Hadshoots rate ,  instant kill in normal server no headshoots  ,  damage hack  ..... 

    Yeah, his HSKR and KPM on the sniper is a bit sus, but considering he plays the same sniper like 95% of the time, he might as well be a tryhard/rush sniper who got used to his gun.. All his other BR where he didnt play this sniper look fine and the ones with the raised DMG are on Hardcore, so they are normal as well..

  • netcodekinifesuck
    Member since January 04, 2018

    You guys are digging up a report made last year. Really?

  • netcodekinifesuck
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Closing thread.