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  • GlasGhost
    Member since August 11, 2018

    At 1:15 where he pre-fired the box, that could be an indication of ESP

  • GlasGhost
    Member since August 11, 2018

    I don't know how you all missed this, but in his ban request at 1:11ish he is shooting at someone; 

    woops, it's real late didn't see the name at the top saying devilanse

  • GlasGhost
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I do not see any sort of suspicious gameplay at this time.

    He even has an enemy next to him from 0:57 to 1:04 that he doesn't even shoot at and he clearly sees the enemy.

    The 1:15 portion you mentioned, you can see the enemy's trajectory would take him by those boxes, any seasoned player would prefire at the boxes. Additionally, if you slow it down you can see he "prefires" .5-8 secs too late since the enemy pops up to his left as he is firing.

    I will leave this thread open for any other admin to voice their opinions on their opinion. I do not think this player is cheating.

  • GlasGhost
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Players were lining up for him, but all were visible to him before he started aiming. So I think this player is clean too.