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    Member since September 16, 2019

    BF4DB Ban Appeal:

    Soldier Name: KALEBE42BR
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: (Yes.)
    Appeal: I am hereby very unsatisfied with the following ban I have received, in fact the only proof shown where my past stats and KDRs, the player who accused me during the game had no other means as to attack me thus entering an unproved accusation towards my skill, yes my skill because I have been playing fps for years and never got into such a disgraceful situation, if by any means yall need to scan my CPU or  talk directly to me, do it, as I have the right to defense or else you are goin against my civil rights as I am a sole legitimate owner of rights to play a game and you represent a third party bussiness that sorry to be honest, has no credit to do what it does, although many use the service, I would like to appeal not only to that as to logs of the gameplays I have been accused of, I need access to all the proof as to why, how, what when, where and whom banned me or accussed me, unfollowing such things is going againt the Law and will end this matter in court for cybernetic abuse. I have also to state that im am a Brazilian player and have never, ever been put under such suspicion, making what you guys did, an ultimate damage to my morale.

    I honestly await a respectful response with all the proofs against me, and if most possible would like myself to talk to the staff members who, as the bans says, together made the (wrong) decision to accuse me of hacking, and banning me..

    Yours truly: Kalebe de Souza da Rosa

    Member since January 04, 2018

    Member since September 16, 2019

    That is a very simple situation, as you can see all the games I had good headshots scores where on operation locker, I myself play games that gocus on headshots such as rainbow six siege and warface especially, where I have more than a thousand hours of gameplay. Under no circunstance having a good headshot aim can accurately indicate a headshot hack, and as you know proofs of any sort have weights and balances, so merely stating that im SUSPICIOUS, in no condition can CONDEMN me, if necessary add me on origin and join my squad, I have nothing to hide, wanna scan my machine? Do it. Oh btw, im being acused of macroing, but fyi macros dont aim directly to the head, in fact a macro in bf4 as  I have seen would only help in the bullet spread, and by very little, as low as the recoil gets, one would still need skill to aim at the enemy head, I have myself faced tons of players that are  far more suspichious than me, if yall ever join those Brazilian servers I play in, following what yall think I did, means yall would have simply reported 50-60% of that server population as their KDR, Headshots and KPM are far more superior than mine, if by any means the only proof are those past games, that is no strong proof, A suspect has the right to be considered innocent until proven wrong, its the "in dubio pro reo" principle, which basically means that if theres doubt even by small amount that Im innocent, I cannot be punnished. Just remind that in operation locker most players are camping in corners with only their heads popping out or are bipoded with the head I front, I use AEK, 900 rpm, 31 bullets, means i have 31 chances to hit the enemy in head. Anyways, again I  must say, ai have been wrongly mistaken for something I myself a gamer for more than a decade regrets, which is hacking.

    Member since January 04, 2018

    You have 72h to record a round similar to this one. Same map, same mode, preferably same gun.

    You must come as close as possible to the stat of the round : 4.6 KPM, 5.7 K/D, 50%-60% HSPK ratio and 26% accuracy. It doesn't have to be these values exactly but it must be close.

    Video must be 720p minimum, 60 fps is recommended, and uploaded to Youtube.

    Your ban will be lifted for you to record the round once you agree on those terms.

    Is it ok?

    Member since September 16, 2019

        I can record the gameplay as wished but my machine, wont record in such quality as I dont have the best machine since I am a low spec player, must consider that in Brazil everything in gaming industry is expensive due to our taxes and tributes, just as an example for you to understand our mininmum wage is apprx R$1.000,00 (one thousand Reals), and a game like bf4 here is still sold with the full premium at R$120,00-R$160,00, meaning its absurdly 12-16% of a workers salary, my salary, serving as another very good reason as to why I would never hack into a game I wasted 12-16% of a month of hard work.

        So my only request is, can i only this time record it at a lower quality? but still viewable conditions?

        I can send the print screen of my PC specs as wished for proof.

    Member since May 05, 2017

    Your gameplay history and statistical analysis indicates cheating, plain and simple. I’ll save you the time. 

    Appeal denied.