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  • BaktnEis
    Member since April 26, 2018

    BF4DB Profile:




    got kicked for Suspicious Stats understand that u kicked me cause i gota high hskR but at this time which was some time backwards I was dumb iv tested out what i can do and and got busted by u since then i never tried it again also cause it destroyed the fun it was like the cookie clicker game. I hope there is a chance that u unbann me if u wont I have to accept that i have to buy a new one (what i dont understand is that my acc said that i was kicked 10 months and 2 mins ago at this time i didn`'t even used one again i used it abaout 1 and a half year ago so i dont undestand why it says banned in this Time)

    Thanks anyway and Have a nice day 

  • BaktnEis
    Member since May 08, 2017

    You got banned by our sitebot (auto admin) when someone looked you up on our site. As you admit having cheated, your ban won't be removed. We have 0 tolerance for cheating.

    I suggest you to read our ban and appeal policies to prevent further issues with our service.