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  • Murks
    Member since September 03, 2018

    So clearly by the title I was banned for linked accounts. Heres the story on how my other linked account was banned in the first place.

    One day when I was playing on my other Org acc on BF4 and I was just simply bored of the game and I decided to cheat. I had fun for the first 20 minutes and eventually got tired and bored of hacking and realized that it wasn't worth it.

    Anyway, after about a match or two I closed the game and came back on some other time and I was obviously banned. Fair enough and completely understandable, but I didn't care at the time anyway. 

    Recently (Past 2 months) been watching a lot of BF4 vids and I really wanted to come back and play again but clearly can't play on my other org acc because I was banned. So I created a new account and didn't really mind as I wanted to start fresh and clean again anyway. Feels nostalgic to play on a new fresh account and I have been having a blast since I created this new account but I digress.

    I have not cheated nor hacked on this account at all and feel as this ban was unnecessary because I do not cheat anymore. There is no proof or evidence of me using any hacks or cheats on this new acc. This account is clean. Also if I was hacking I'm sure I would be banned by PB or FF like my other account was.

    Another thing is, why would I waste money creating a new account just to cheat/hack and get banned. That is plain stupidity.

    So if my ban could be please uplifted that would be absolutely amazing and greatly appreciated.

    Additional info:

    My new current acc:

    My battlelog:

    My other banned acc:

    My other acc's battlelog:

    @Burt "We ban cheaters, a new account doesn't change that"

    I am not a cheater and this isn't fair. There is no proof of me cheating on this account. Therefore this ban should be uplifted...


    Lmaoo that is just plain retarded. This site's a fucking joke. If I were to create a new account and play really bad and use no hacks, you guys would just trace my IP and link it with that one nooby acc that I cheated on for 5 min to have a lil fun before I stop playing, and just ban the new shitty one too... Unbelievable 

  • Murks
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We ban cheaters. A new account doesn’t change that

    Appeal denied

  • Murks
    Member since October 30, 2017

    You just admit that you've been cheating in the past. Case closed. You are a cheater and this is fair.

    We don't care which account you are cheating on, and we don't offer a second chance for a cheater.