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  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020

    Since you guys miss my first thread im gonna repost it.

    Soldier Name : Jackal77Rus
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile :

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier : Yes

    Appeal : Server Im trying to joins said that i was banned at bf4db, i could only played it once ban is revoked. I did an investigation here says that i've been using an dmg mod but then i wasn't using any third party or any program to help improve my gameplay at all. The picture you moderator post i dont even know how to read any of those thing accept like kd or some sort. But what i can tell you is that earlier on i did had a glitch happen to one of my game. I had a ping spike and then my whole game started to lagged and while i shoot my weapon it auto reloads when the bullet wasnt even finished and sometimes i shoot it drops to zero and return to remaining bullets i actually have. during the glitch occurrence, i could get easy killed. tried changing weapon for some time same thing happens and i just change back to the weapon that i originally wanted to used to unlock attachments. if this was the one that makes me looked like im using any mod, im sorry it just a glitched happens and i just played the whole game till it end because i thought the glitch will go away for a few times but i didnt. Please unbanned, i bought the game during cny to enjoy lets be fair guys.

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since August 16, 2019

    patience, appeals can take multiple days to be sorted out, posting multiple only slows the process for you

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Locked the other thread. Reviewing your case now. Give me a few to sort this out.

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Know these accounts?

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020


    Know these accounts?

    Yup these is my old friend account, he's in national service currently im just staying over he's house to use his wifi to play my games. He no longer plays bf4 except his brother
    EDIT: Sorry for the late reply, im dont have a wifi at my home, now im over at the my old friend house to use his wifi. 

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020

    Hey sir is the investigation over? I dont have a lot of time and i want to start playing sir. It just a glitch that happens once and it didnt happen before this or after this i tried to play on campaign, the glitch cant happen so i cant record a video for proof. i dont even know how it happen sir i wish i did but sadly no. Whatever account you find its not related to me, whatever account you posted is my old friend that is currently not playing bf4 anymore sir, i only have one and this only account.

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Ever played together with that friend before he got banned?

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020

    nope, i only know him after he enlisted and stopped playing the game. he introduced me this game and we talked and he agrees for me to lend his wifi at his home

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since May 08, 2017


    nope, i only know him after he enlisted and stopped playing the game. he introduced me this game and we talked and he agrees for me to lend his wifi at his home


    From what I can see right now it seems that one account joined, got kicked, magically logged off then your current account logged in. How likely is it that other person has access to your stuff?
  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020

    im using his other account for his other games not for bf4 and for bf4db i got his passcode cause im using google account and chrome had saves his password

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020

    Hey are you guys kidding me? now im banned for link account huh. just because i was late to reply to your question you thought i fucked my whole acting scene to be "ANOTHER PERSON". Did you guys forget that i didnt have internet and that i come once a while to this dude house to use his wifi? The fuck is happening here. i just used that guy/ hacker account to play other games. When i said that, that wasnt my account i mean it man it wasnt mine, its my friends account. I dont hack i dont cheat or whatever associated with cheating in any WAY. It just a glitch happens and it did not happen again after that so what you want me to do huh? record the whole game i play and wait for that glitch to reappear? yea i could do that but i promise you another 10000 years it will happen but it fking rare chances it would do that again i dont know why. Cant find any evidence to ban me for dmg mod and straight just ban me for link account because i know the guy wtf is this shit. SO UNPROFESSIONAL. can somebody help me here

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since August 16, 2019

    if you had actually sat down and read how the site works. you would have known getting a new account while still banned would have done nothing. it is very professional. it keeps hackers from just buying new accounts and hacking more. 

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020


    if you had actually sat down and read how the site works. you would have known getting a new account while still banned would have done nothing. it is very professional. it keeps hackers from just buying new accounts and hacking more. 

    i fully understand but now the problem is, that account which used for hacks is not mine. which part of "ITS NOT MINE" is so hard for you all to understand. yes i may have the account detail and use it but it was never for bf4. im just using that account to play other games not bf4. bf4 is played on my account which is this and i dont have any extra account that i own. so according to the site it MUST BE YOUR ACCOUNT then it counted as a linked account but the problem is thats not my account its my friend. So now thats not my account, my ONLY ACCOUNT IS THIS ONE! 

  • Jackal77Rus
    Member since January 25, 2020

    Is the mods is going to do anything here huh? what is happening with them? they just went awol on me for some reason. i thought you guys said they were professional and no one is going to at least reply to what i've said 5 days ago? cant be all mods are to busy with their game and cant stop a minute to reply to my answer and do something about it. i have clearly explain that it could not be a link account because its have to your account and its not mine but the mods didnt care read and instead ignore this post and continue banning the people who were wrong but the innocent they just dont give a fuck because they are a waste of time and probably they all are going, "AH TWO SECOND TO ATLEAST READ HIS POST IS BORING I RATHER BAN PEOPLE ITS MORE FUN THEN HELPING THE INNOCENT ONE BECAUSE THEY ALL ARE TO BORING TO ME. I JOIN THIS SITE AS MODS TO BAN PEOPLE NOT TO UNBAN PEOPLE, SO THIS GUYS ARE BORING ME TO THE POINT THAT I JUST WANT TO PRESS THAT BAN BUTTON TILL MY MOUSE SPOILT!" help me guys wth are you guys doing to me? you guys are driving me mad. i have proved to be innocent and you guys have not find any clear evidence to put me on wrong here. I did not cheat in any way. if i dmg mod wtf would i just use only one weapon that just plain stupid isn't it? In the match where i use the mx4 which on the stats says i got dmg higher than the max dmg it was a glitch happened in game. i use other gun aswell but how the other gun stats didnt raise up above the max? well because clearly if i was hacking all the other gun will also have above the max dmg it could do if i was using a dmg mod. I dont know what to say here now, clearly you guys know that okay this guy doesnt have dmg mod but wait his friend hack let just link to his account and ban him anyway lmao. me and my friend is a two different person and we all have two different account and in no anyway his ban/ hacked account is mine because all game and that account under his name so you guys mods cannot say its linked! dont give me that bullshit, "oh you guys are friend and that is linked, SO BAN!" You cant do that and if you do that, it just shown that you guys truly are unprofessional. I dont know why im fighting like im in the fking COURT ROOM!!!!!!! please help and be professional is all i can say for now.

  • Jackal77Rus
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Show us a battle report where you and "your friend" play together.