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  • inglorious33
    Member since November 14, 2017

    BF4DB Profile link:

    Ban Reason: Aimbot(Written by 'Scavenger')

    So, this started yesterday.

    I was playing a 24/7 Lockers server so I could level up fast, as my brother just bought me origin access, as I was using his account for the longest time.

    His account was probably in the high 40's? And he finally built a new gaming PC, so all the work I spent on his account was now mute.

    So I had to level up fast, the way I knew how to, AEK971 on lockers, conquest.

    There is a lot of smoke on that map, and I would prefire corners, etc etc. I think maybe my accuracy was crazy? I wouldn't understand why exactly though, I was firing, and spamming my shots through smokes.

    Anyways, I was using an AEK-971, with a Kobra, laser, and ergo grip, pretty easy to nail hipfire shots in cqc. Especially headshots.

    if you require any other forms of information, I will try to provide. I just really want to play my game, lol.

    Thank you!



  • inglorious33
    Member since May 08, 2017

    You got banned for a Punkbuster Violation. Create a ticket at Evenbalance here:

    If Evenbalance admits the Violation has been triggered by mistake, we will remove the ban.

    For now: