Soldier Name: itsMeMighty
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: I have claimed my soldier.
Appeal: I logged on this morning and kept getting kicked due to "suspicious activity" the link it showed in chat didn't work. I finally figured out how to find out why im banned on the website. There are three links that a mod posted of "suspicious games" but only two of the links worked and one was a horrible game with hardly any kills. I don't understand why I am banned.
Hello. The following rounds show HSPK ratio/KPM value that are way above what is expected in normal conditions with weapons like ACW-R or M16A4.
Care to give an explanation?
I only see where it shows the headshot kills on two of those links and all those games were over a year ago. I don't have anything to explain. I don't understand how out of now where im getting banned for how four of my games were over a year ago.
Perhaps this will make the ban reason more clear :
Still no explanation?
No response from OP for almost a week.
Appeal Denied.