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  • DevilsCowboy
    Member since February 16, 2019

    Ok so here is the situation...

    Several years ago, when they were doing the phantom bow DLC and missions, certain servers had it set up where it was just a kill server. You would go into the game, meet up with a player where you would take turns killing each other. This was utilized to get said Phantom Bow. I guess during that time I did a lot of headshots in these servers.

    These servers no longer exist so I couldn't go and replicate this even if I wanted to. I just want to play some BF4. I'm no cheater and if you look at my stats, I am a normal player without that HSKR rate for the AWS.

    So that's my appeal, the truth. Please unban me for a mistake I made years ago.

    Thank you for your time,


    EDIT: Forgot to add this.

  • DevilsCowboy
    Member since May 08, 2017

    Who did you killtrade with?

  • DevilsCowboy
    Member since February 16, 2019

    Unfortunately, it was several years ago and I didn't trade with any friends. I would join a random server where I would meet up with a random player. I only did it enough to unlock what I needed for the phantom bow.

  • DevilsCowboy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Unfortunately, we can't find any reports that indicate stat padding.

    Maybe if you dig through your history you will be able to find them.

  • DevilsCowboy
    Member since February 16, 2019

    When I try and go to my "History" section of my battlelog, it only allows me to see 18 matches total, none of which are the trade kill servers. Since these Trade-Kill matches occurred probably 3 years ago, I can't get to them. I haven't played this game for roughly 2 years because of this ban. I am not sure how to prove to you that it was a trade - kill server. This stat is on one gun, not all of them. I'm an average player who just wants to get back into the game, is that too much to ask?

    Is there a way to dig deeper than 18 matches in my history? Am I missing a button?


    EDIT: Did the picture upload? This is all I can find that I was involved in Trade-kill servers. I can't access my "Reports" section of my battlelog. It keeps telling me to try again later and that the reports are unavailable for this player. Theres the URL if the picture doesn't work.

  • DevilsCowboy
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I'm not sure what to tell you. Until you find the battle reports your ban appeal is denied.