hello I've been banned for nothing that looks at what's in the ban so it's normal state but I'm streaming a lot so I have movies on when I play and I have cam on my stream so can show me your admins in discord so You see that I'm streaming. I'm linking my twitch here with https://www.twitch.tv/videos/323370526
These stats I also think are a bit odd. Can you explain these?
yes, I can support when I'm in a place and shoot like they do irl so I do not run around with a machingun i use the bipod. I have video on it when I play with the m249. and check my twitch movies and you'll see that I'm not using cheating. If it is spelled badly, then use translate
what I have been banned for. type high kd ?? Then you can take a new battel report. The report is 2 years old
hi would you be able to answer ???
You may replicate a game like this while recording. Use the same weapon and get similar stats. Record on a minimal resolution of 720p, preferably 60fps. Upload the full game to YouTube and post the link here together with the report.
How should I get a video that is 2 years old ???
how can you use 2 year old things
If you agree to the terms your ban will be lifted for 48h. After that time the YouTube and report link should be posted here for us to review.
okay, will it be good if I do it this weekend then ???? I live in Sweden so it's Friday tomorrow
That is okay. Re-opened your case so you should not receive kicks by our plugin. Yes, same weapon must be used.
No response from OP and no video.
Appeal Denied.