Battlereport: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/battlereport/show/1/1024924375278456896/1599063556/
First, I've done so many headshots. From Razer, I look forward to targeting you. The other thing is, more shooting players than me have fired several head shots like me.
Accuracys normal, Fairfight stats normal (All stat normal, 40% headshot rate)
Operation Locker Lightweight Head Shots can be obtained, just be smart to play.
Please remove the ban, thanks.
If that is you, click the blue claim button to link a battlelog to your BF4DB profile. Without claimed profile, we can not help you.
Will double check your case. In the meantime the ban is lifted so you can enter 4DB servers. Within 48h you will hear from us again.
Thanks for the help.
This is all I found that might be a little suspicious. Around 40% HSKR with assault rifle.
Sorry for the delayed response.
I'd like to see you recording a full game video replicating around 40% HSKR and roughly the same KPM with SCAR-H like the battlereport below.
Your case is already set to investigating so you would be able to join servers protected by BF4DB again.
No response.