Nick: MiiickeyTM
Conta reivindicada: sim
player link
I would like to appeal to cancel my account for not being this person mentioned in the reason for the ban ... if it was a reason to ban, would ban many people because there are other people with the same nick that was quoted by the rapporteur and the moment I want this proves, the use of some kind of hacker that was quoted. Thank you waiting for an answer. follow the ban link
Someone is telling porkies...
Both accounts have used the same sort of names (*) on 2 occasions and have 1 friend in common. What are the chances of that happening????
(*) PesteDoAgresteTM Became MiickeyTM
1MICKEY11111 Became PesteDoSerrado
So take you like the name MIcky and PesteDo for some reason
Common friend Stormrafa78
Admin sorry for posting this in someones appeal.. Please delete if necessary
Link is valid.
Appeal Denied.