Hey, I've been playing casually for years, while a few days ago the PB started kicking me without any reason.
To fix that, I reinstalled the version of PB from EB site as recommended in guides, tried logging some servers and got bf4db ban!
Another reinstall of PB fixed the problem for PB I think.
I additionally submitted a ticket for https://www.evenbalance.com/support.php - but no news for several days from them.
Definitely not a cheater, very frustrating situation, most likely caused by PB bugs, I also see a similar Declined appeal at: https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/punkbuster-bug-got-me-banned-i-think-1227
No idea what to do? Please review & advise. EB support is dead it seems.
My profile https://bf4db.com/player/355191971 and same "GAMEHACK" 88001 bs from PB