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Joined BF4DB: Jun 11, 2020
Last Online: 4 years ago


BAN APPEAL 4 years ago

Soldier Name: WingsOfEgypt

Link to BF4DB Soldier Profile:

Soldier Claim Status: Yes

Appeal: It's been well over 3 years since i touched this game. After hearing it dropped on Steam, my friends started playing, so i thought i would try for the Nostalgia. Unfortunately, that's not exactly how it went. Instead, i'm running around filing appeals to secure me account again. Ban says linked account, i have literally NO idea what that means.

Now, i know it's been said hackers also use such excuses such as "my account was stolen", so i'll go ahead and void that excuse, since i don't even know what happened with this game much less my player profile to begin with. I don't know what else to say. I'm now here after having re-changed ALL passwords, updating ALL information both on EA, Origin, and even my email. I've gone all in to ensure optimal security of my accounts. In the meantime, i'm also trying to get in contact with PB to get answers.

After searching emails, i did find this image about a year ago.


 Again, not sure what else to say. It's been 3 years, and i just wanted some quick nostalgia, but if it's not possible to get my account back, then so be it. The Ban says linked account, so i'm not even sure how someone was capable of linking my account to one of theirs for their pleasure. I just need to get this resolved. If you need any evidence i've never hacked before, simply taking a glance at my battle history is enough. I've beat both BF3 and BF4 campaigns, i've leveled up past lvl 80, my K/D is probably average as heck, and i've pretty much always been a casual gamer. Here's just a basic shot of Battles.unknown.png

Appreciate your time and effort, looking forward to a response.

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