Soldier Name: ABrimofLight
Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
Appeal: Okay so, I was playing BF4 a few days ago in a 24/7 locker server because that is pretty much all I play. I had been doing quite well the past few rounds and the round this all went down I was even going negative. Some people were suspicious and I was quite active in the chat, but then some guy was questioning weather I have other accounts and I said yes and I told him I had 2 accounts but one was translated incorrectly, from my laziness I suppose. Because I said that my first account ever was Justsomerocks its my consle account not JustsomeRox and it turns out JustsomeRox is a pc account that has suffered a ban on bf4db. Then I said one was LayDownB and this one is actually mine that got banned on pb bans while I was away from my pc and could possibly be a software error.