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Joined BF4DB: Jun 4, 2018
Last Online: 6 years ago


No defined reason for global ban 6 years ago

I would like to report on the outcome of a ban appeal at evenbalance.

On June 4th, 2018, I had even created a ticket for the clarification of a ban at evenbalance. The answer was rather undefined. Maybe the account would have been hacked, I should check the security. A specific reason, what has triggered the ban, was not communicated to me. Maybe they have found something in my PC memory that comes from a background program, or from a video or something else ...
No reason for the ban, just guesses.

In the meantime I have closed my account and have no desire to gamble any more and banish me and suspect me wrongly.
Live is so beautiful, even without  gaming :-)

0 Replies 462 Views

Ban Appeal 6 years ago

After I was reporting myself in order to check my stats at BF4DB i got globally banned by punkbuster without a defined reason. No cheats, no hacks.
Admin Scavenger suggested the reason is my headshotratio with QBZ.
But, the QBZ isn't unlocked for me ...
I did a Ban Appel at Evenbalance -link removed for privacy -

So, what can i do more to clear my profile?


2 Replies 514 Views