• FroToe
    Gold Supporter
    Member since 7 years ago

    Another in my continuing series "we all know he's cheating, but...".   Notice anything odd happening about 7 hours prior to this snapshot?


    And just like there is such a thing as too high a HS ratio, there is the opposite indicator of cheating, caused by setting your aimbot to "chest" or whatever and leaving it there.  2.4% HSKR with the FAMAS and 4.2% with the SAR21?  Gimme a break.  http://prntscr.com/faai5s

  • PMKevinRudd
    Member since 7 years ago

    Thanks for the report, we will look into it shortly.

  • 69cadiman
    Member since 7 years ago
  • skulls
    Member since 7 years ago


    This player has been banned by BF4DB and any game server protected by our anti-cheat plugin

    Reason: Aimbot

    This thread is now closed

    Hudsonlemon45 Battlelog Ban Policy