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  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago
    Reasons for reporting a18cdf2aaa52149a

    DMG Mod

    Report #1
    Additional Information

    mpx 2 hits per kill, non-hs below threshold for hc.   bf4db shows lots of damage too high stats, weak link to 

  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago  Left on spectate first time.

    Has a third account that I am trying to track the name of, NightBR or something.

  • -NightBR-
    Member since 1 year ago

    Hello, how are you?

    I am the owner of the video account, my main account is Xer0que, below is the link to my 3 accounts.

    I am available for any test, please note that an ADM from the same clan (GMH) has already tried to ban my main, without success.

    Best Regards

  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago

    Thank you for kindly linking all 3, you have managed to obfuscate and hide your many accounts well with many IPs.

  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago

    As Xero has listed all accounts, linked to his dmg mod mpx 

  • -NightBR-
    Member since 1 year ago

    Eagle, I appreciate your commitment to trying to ban me so that you can continue winning, just as you always cried to ban all the other great players who have been through GMH, below is the account's BF4CR, as you can see, as the matches progress , everything normal

  • bfplayer
    Member since 6 months ago


    Are you still crying like always? You and your incompetent friends ban everyone who plays better than you and call them hackers, like every typical American, they lack skill, but they cry a lot. horrible, that's why your server is broke

  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago

    I will, as always, work to get those who try to gain an unfair advantage removed from the game, no matter how many accounts they create.
    I am not a GMH member, nor an admin there, nor have ever been.  I record and report and get people banned as the evidence shows you have used a damage mod.  MPX only does 25 dmg per hit, you did not get headshots, and you killed 2 with 4 bullets, you can toggle it to hide it in the overall stats but you got caught on your 3rd of many many accounts, go use another and try not to link it.

  • -NightBR-
    Member since 1 year ago

    you, with all your "experience", forgot that the server is HC, so the damage statistics are different from a normal server.

    and as I said, I am available for any test from the bf4db admins

  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago

    Incorrect, damage stats are the same, player health is reduced. 

  • bfplayer
    Member since 6 months ago

    I'm not the sheer you talk about, but I've played on the Gmh server with you, and I saw you crying to several players, who to me are far from being cheaters.

    The only thing you're doing is innocent players getting banned because you don't have the ability to beat THEM.

    99% of these players are only banned on the GMH server, that's a little strange, isn't it?

  • Eagle07
    Member since 7 years ago
    I am not sure where you get your stats from, as I report to BA and BF4DB, sounds like you have a banned account since you refuse to link one here. :)
  • KarekCat
    Member since 4 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: Insufficient Proof Provided

    This thread is now closed

    _DrHansChucrutt Battlelog Ban Policy