This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.
Previous evidence Join Discord Open new reportAimbot, ESP/Wallhack
He shoots me through the wall, look at the minimap
Bruh.. Hes clean, played plenty of times against and with him.
Pretty sure he was shooting at ur butt, which was poking trough the wall, in an attempt to get ya.. Also hiding in the most generic camper spot..
Looks to me like he was just spotted, since he remained lit on the minimap for a long time. It remains to be explained how he knew you were there, but you could have been spotted too, or he just tried his luck. We require a lot more evidence than that to ban for wallhack.
Reason: Clean Stats
This thread is now closed
UndenIablegg Battlelog Ban Policy