Aimbot, DMG Mod
Please see videos below. At the time of recording of these videos, his cheat score was at 37%. Normally I don't pay too much attention to a cheat score due to various factors in BF4 that could cause them to go higher than 0, but here, in 3 days it went up to 43%. Also, in the first video, close to the end at around 6 minute to 6:45 mark, you'll see him taking out 3 players with a sniper rifle while they are full health and can barely react at close range. Videos 2 and 3 show that when he fires, his reticle does not line up with the target. I have spectated quite a few players and have not seen anyone who does not aimbot have such anomalies. Also, 82.19% with a 44 magnum is simply not probable in this game.
The videos are all short, did you have the longer video that you meant to upload?
Unfortunately I don't have longer videos. All DLCs are down and I haven't seen him in the server in a little bit. I'll try to record longer videos next time I see him.