This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.
Previous evidence Join Discord Open new reportAimbot, ESP/Wallhack, Multihack, Linked Account, Punkbuster
Hello BF4DB Team,
I would like to report the user rattIesnake for suspected actions that may violate the server's terms. I have gathered several video proofs showing unusual behavior that could be related to the use of hacks or unauthorized programs.
Incident Descriptions: Possible use of hacks:
On multiple occasions, rattIesnake seems to anticipate the position of enemy players in a suspicious manner, reacting almost instantly without having a logical line of sight.
I noticed several moments where the precision level is extremely high, which could be associated with the use of aimbot or wallhacks.In the attached videos, you can see him achieving kills through obstacles without prior vision of enemy players.Weapon swapping without animation:
I observed rattIesnake frequently swapping between the FAMAS and G18 without showing any animation. The weapon switch occurs instantly and automatically, with no delay, which is unusual and doesn't seem to follow normal game mechanics.
You may want to test this behavior to confirm whether it is a game modification or an exploit in use.
Attached Evidence: I have uploaded videos from the matches where these behaviors occurred. The videos are properly marked with timestamps showing the specific moments when the incidents happened. I hope you can review them and take the necessary actions if cheats are confirmed.
Thank you for your time and for keeping the BF4DB community safe and fair. - ESP/WALLHACK
In the video there are other suspicious moments besides shooting through walls, but I was too lazy to mark them
How long should I wait for action to be taken on this person? Is anyone in this community going to respond to the thousands of active reports?
Now posting his OWN videos of him cheating.
@VoITaGe your youtube links are dead.
Reason: Multihack
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lleweIyn Battlelog Ban PolicyReason: Appeal Approved
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lleweIyn Battlelog Ban Policy