This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.
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these three gents were on the roof of D on propaganda... message is clearly posted every few minutes or so.
guys were on roof for about 5-6 minutes dmr spamming non-stop. Told them in squad chat that being up there can get them banned. They didn't listen.
When recording for a report of us keep this in mind:
1. No music in the background.
2. No short videos, 1 minute or more at least.
3. If possible join as spectator to record.
''guys were on roof for about 5-6 minutes dmr spamming non-stop'', we need evidence, you just shared a 35 seconds vid.
Accepting the vid cus we can see they abusing the map glitch.
Reason: Map
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3_Creepio Battlelog Ban PolicyReason: Appeal Approved
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3_Creepio Battlelog Ban Policy