This player has been previously reported but was not banned. If you have new evidence to submit against this player, please open a ticket on our Discord server.

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  • RaZe
    Member since 4 years ago
    Reasons for reporting 17Wendy

    DMG Mod, Multihack

    Report #1 Report #2 Report #3
    Additional Information

    Attached are links to two separate spectator videos of this player, whom was previously banned under Battlefield Agency for cheating as well, under the player name 17monet. Furthermore, although not direct evidence of his cheating, he is linked to a platoon where multiple members have also been banned on BF4DB for cheating, seen here -

    Attached here is the profile for 17monet, his original account which was banned by Battle Agency.

    When playing against this player in game, it is highly evident his kills are not legitimate - he often wins gunfights against you, when you engage the player first and land several shots, with accuracy that rarely reaches above 23%.

  • RaZe
    Member since 4 years ago

    It can also be seen from the attached photo here that this player is in fact 17monet - here are chat logs from TBG demonstrating he is in fact linked to the account, and that he was banned previously on battle agency before it was lifted. 

  • RaZe
    Member since 4 years ago

  • Kersplooshers
    Silver Supporter
    Member since 6 years ago

    we do not ban players on bf4db based upon their status, current or past, on battlefield agency, nor do we ban people for choosing to associate with people banned by us or any other anticheat.

    i do not see any evidence of cheating in the provided videos, and there is nothing in this player's statistics to suggest that they are cheating.

  • Kersplooshers
    Silver Supporter
    Member since 6 years ago


    This player has been cleared by BF4DB

    Reason: No Proof Provided

    This thread is now closed

    17Wendy Battlelog Ban Policy