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  • iamadeadpixel
    Member since October 21, 2017

    His name specter1984

    playing for years BF3 and BF4, inc console.

    yes, he loves playing shotguns ,and is pretty good at it.

    we also have some players that are 100% better as him, and there stat are more impressive than specter1984's stats.

    this is what istats says about him

    and this his battlelog.

    we have enough other stuff running that banned real cheaters from the server,.

    not only me, but anyone on the platoon says this is a unfair ban based on, well ? what actualy ?

    and eh, why ,for suspictions stats?

    only becouse he is good ?, more as halv the platoon has that seeying on istats.

    would be great he he get removed, bcouse suspictios stats only makes no sense.

  • iamadeadpixel
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Appeals are to be made by the account owner. As you don't seem to be owner of the account in question this appeal is automatically denied.

    Two of your your platoonmembers have been autobanned 5 months ago. If they appeal we will look into the cases. If they don't you can whitelist both within the plugin settings.