Hello, I've been playing on your server for a long time and I really love it.
But today I received a ban for suspicious statistics.
I'm very bad at speaking English (I'm fromchina) and I do not understand what it takes to be able to play on servers with your protection again.
My profile: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/zh/soldier/sxq789987/stats/797827402/pc/
My ID in BATTLEFIELD4 is sxq789987 .And the reason is Suspicious Stats.
I could explain for it.I was just really wanted to unlock some guns,so I made some deals with my friends.they helped me by
letting me kill them over and over until i unlock them .And more than half of the time i will headshot them to get higher scores.
I'm not a cheater,so please accept my ban appeal.
Sry for my poor english
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