Hello, I'm new to battlefield 4. My ID is NoKoNCiCihaha and there is no ban record on my account but i get kicked out from every servers using DB plugin. And the chat borad says, "Enforcing permanent ban on NoKoNCiCihaha for BF4DB banned" How would this happened? Please help, thank you.
Hello @xhy888, you should claim your account to proof that its yours first, then the staff can take care of your case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rA3bKEwfhlo
-and no, i cant help you, im just a simple user-
If that is your player then there is no BF4DB ban. That most likely mean that you got manually banned by a server admin and he is trying to put it on us.
You should try to contact the server admin to ask him about it (and eventually find a server with better admins).
-TheNotoriousDoge, 2018