Reported this guy almost 2 years ago..blatantly using an exploit to turn invisible. He even uploaded a video to YouTube showing him doing it (now set private)
Back then you guys didn't ban for exploits but am i to understand correctly that you are now?
Thanks for your time
Do you have video evidence?
@hatezhackerz your video is set to private
Video was never mine. That was a video the person in question put up himself, it featured him doing the exploit and then him running around killing people, this was on a FPSG server..when i first reported him it was publicly viewable. Scavenger watched it before SquarerFive saw my report and set it private.
I understand it was almost 2years ago..i wouldn't remember watching it if i was in your guys shoes.
I just wanted to bring this back into the light given your change of policies
Unless you have video evidence of such apart from that one since we can’t see it, there’s not much we can do, sorry
I understand, thanks for taking the time too read over this.