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  • golgothic74
    Member since February 09, 2018

    hello everyone, i'd like to report a server but i don't know where i can do it so i do it here, this server : "bf4 conquest | fast vehicle | vote map" link ( ) the admins use their rights to kick and ban players without any reasons, i've been kick 3 times everytimes i came back in asking them why they don't answer and kick again, i've been banned the 4th time i joined it, i'm tired to play with/against cheaters, try harders and this kind of admins scums...

  • golgothic74
    Member since May 08, 2017

    We do not ban for things a server admin does on his server. If something an admin does is against the ToS of BF4 (the ToS has a special section about admin behaviour), you need to contact EA.