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  • muzhik
    Member since May 17, 2017

    Please ban this shameless cheater

  • muzhik
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We are currently watching this video.  We will be coming to a decision soon. 

  • muzhik
    Member since May 05, 2017

    I'm not saying he's "clean".  Just something to keep in mind, if he's on TS with other teammates, it can look like he has "ESP" (wall hack) when it's simply someone else who can see those areas giving warnings.

    I know the few hackusations I've had against me about that, I've welcomed the people to join on TS about it, and within seconds of them being on and listening they apologized because they didn't realize how good we communicate what's going on on the battlefield.

    I want to be clear I'm trying to be impartial but I'm not blind OP, I was just giving out some general advice.

    For this schmuck I do see he's prefiring very oddly before coming around some of the corners, if I had knowledge someone was prone on the floor from someone on TS, I'd prefire the actuall hallway (where someone *could* pop out), NOT the bulletproof wall itself.

  • muzhik
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Three admins reviewed the video.  To be perfectly honest, we were going to say there was no evidence of cheating until we saw the very last part of the video.  I added a link here to the time 5:20 (watch to the end), so people can see what we are referring to.  The snap-aim is very unnatural; and just before that, he went directly towards a player he couldn't even see -- remember that there's no minimap either.  All three admins who reviewed the video are ready to ban stick86man, but we're hoping for more footage if you can get some.  I want to be 100% certain before I make a firm decision on this player.

  • muzhik
    Member since May 17, 2017

  • muzhik
    Member since May 05, 2017



    Banned, thanks for your report and the addition of evidence!
