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  • Neekeri
    Member since October 22, 2020

    in game using norecoil hack i was spectating him whole game nad hes gus he was usign didnt have any recoil he kept some how  prefiring every corner where enemies  but not the ones where wasnt  and hes aim was perfect  almosty like aimbot   cannot confirm aimbot so far due to norecoil hack he was using also  he tracked enemies few times  im gladd to add the stats of the games here but new in here so im not sure how do i do it

  • Neekeri
    Member since January 04, 2018

    Lookup the player using our search tool, once it's done click on the report button on his page and fill the report properly. You need to provide evidence.

    As a side note, this forum section is to report players set as "CLEAR".
