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  • plsunbanHysteria
    Member since March 16, 2019

    Soldier Name: netoge_nolife
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: yes
    Appeal:  I've said this before and nobody will respond in any meaningful way. I haven't cheated (you can read the other things i've written on this site to see why I was banned), and can prove that i'm not cheating yet you keep banning me. Without even giving a reason why. I've said before i'll do anything you ask me to to prove that im not cheating, and instead of even saying anything someone will just deny it and close the appeal...

    Not only do I already have games streamed and posted but i was banned while livestreaming as it is. You can see clearly that im not cheating in everything ive posted. Why do you keep doing this to me? I literally just want to play this game i've put so much time into. 

    I'll do anything you ask me to to be able to just play this game in peace. Im not noteably toxic, nothing i do in game is remotely suspicious, and i can consistently replicate any stats you want me to replicate if that helps. I can stream anything live or record a video and post on youtube etc

    I get your ban policy about ea tos, but im not banned for tos reasons. Its also not a "second chance" i was never given a first chance in the first place by you guys. Can someone actually willing to talk to me respond for once? Instead of just making a joke and denying my appeal with no response...

  • plsunbanHysteria
    Member since August 14, 2018

    With 4 accounts banned here? sorry but you need to see a mental doctor. 

  • plsunbanHysteria
    Member since August 14, 2018

    Maybe you can try this server:

    Cheater against a cheater. The best choice for you. 

  • plsunbanHysteria
    Member since March 16, 2019

    I dont cheat, and I havent cheated in the past. Only reason I have so many banned accounts is because I love this game. I've been playing 2 fps games for the past 10 years, and since quake live is completely dead all I have is bf4 and apex (which i hate). I will play this game to enjoy it, bf4db stops me (unjustly) from doing so. And all I can do about it until they actually respond is wait 2 months till i have 5$ spare and to pend even more money to get banned in <10 hours. 

    What they're doing makes no sense, but what youve said makes even less sense. If you actually took a look at anything in my history on this site youd see i have no history of cheating :)

    In fact every single time ive ever been reported or banned anywhere has been with no proof at all and linking back directly to the same place, where i was banned for something i didnt even do. 

    Thats why I have 4 accounts banned (closer to 7 or 8 since previously i merged since no money), why would I give up playing the way I want to just because there are some people here who like to go on a power trip with no deliberation or anything. 

  • plsunbanHysteria
    Member since August 16, 2019

    my advice is to stop throwing insults around be respectful and pray to the bf4db gods that someone will look deeper into your case. from what i gathered on your previous posts if what you said is true and you sold an account/bought an account that was used by a cheater. ip and location proof should be enough to prove your innocence. if in fact your are actually innocent. and judging how this case has gone on for like 8 months we are all doubtful. 

  • plsunbanHysteria
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Appeal approved.