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  • RomaAirsoft
    Member since September 02, 2020

    Soldier Name: CamaradaRoma
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes, today 2/09/2020

    Hi guys, i have a problem today afeter 8 months whitot playing battlefield i enter my account and ajter trying to play for more than 2 hours u find out that i m banned for using hacks, i have seen and there is a video and everyhing, but i did not i even speak english, how can i solve this problem? if it is my name that appears in the video, but is not me playing, i have not player for more than 8 months as i comment, just today i downloaded battlefield afeter a long time and i see this, in my account i have more than 200hours player only on pc, i would not hace to use hacks,  i hope you can helpme, have a nice day.

  • RomaAirsoft
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Where are you from? City and country please.

  • RomaAirsoft
    Member since September 02, 2020


    Im from Perú. Lima Santiago de surco, another thing that i have seen is in the video the one who uses my account has been played 75 ping, and in my life i played with 75 ping, i play on Brazilian servers with 110 at least.

  • RomaAirsoft
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017



    Im from Perú. Lima Santiago de surco, another thing that i have seen is in the video the one who uses my account has been played 75 ping, and in my life i played with 75 ping, i play on Brazilian servers with 110 at least.


    Quite tu direccion porque eso es muy peligroso compartirlo. Perdon si te confundi con mi pregunta. Solo queria el pais y la ciudad para investigar un par de cosas. Gracias.
  • RomaAirsoft
    Member since September 02, 2020

    Muchas gracias por tu pronta respuesta y por eliminar la ubicación, espero tu respuesta y si necesitas cualquier información que necesites para verificar el caso solicitamela por favor.

  • RomaAirsoft
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Okay termine de revisar lo que tenia que revisar. Alrededor de la fecha que alguien te reporto (02 Feb 2020) tu cuenta esta sienda usada de un IP residencial de los Estados Unidos. Eso quiere decir que tu cuenta fue accedida sin tu permiso.

    De acuerdo a nuestras reglas, como la cuenta fue usada para hacer trampas el ban se queda en la cuenta lamentablemente. Pero le voy a cambiar la razon del ban. En vez de "Suspcious Stats" va a decir "Hacked Account".

    Al designar tu cuenta como "Hacked Account", si te compras una cuenta nueva no le vamos a poner un ban de acuerdo a nuestras reglas para cuentas vinculadas ("Linked Accounts").

    Perdon por las malas noticias.

    Appeal Denied.