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  • Ohzoj
    Member since May 19, 2017

    How often do you see a level 60 or level 70 drop 40 and 10 or 40 and 8 on TDM? Not a lot. You do however see it a lot if you play enough against hackers like I do.

    Before the first couple of clips he was 1 framing people as soon as they peaked around a very weird angle and he was already preaiming that spot with his lmg. I decided to investigate and to record since everyone was hackusating him including pM-Ultimatum.So in the first couple of clips you will see that he doesn't do anything too suspect, he's running around with his deagle and two shotting people which is something you can do legit. Later on that game you can see him getting a 5 man with the sks spraying, this would be alright considering that's a normal spot for the enemy to push after coming out of that spawn except he kills me and goes immediately away from that exit (The exit from snow quads) and concentrates on the room to my right specifically where all my teammates are coming from, this in my opinion means walls. Now later on in the video i check his stats, he has a 2kd with only 100 hours played, isn't too suspect and i check his 247 and there isn't really anything to convict him with. I think this is because he likes to change up his weapons a lot and downplay his stats to make it look like he isn't hacking. I've seen a lot that hackers will do things like that to where they'll be one framing people around corners and across the map but at the end of the game they'll only shoot an 8% accuracy or so. Also in the video i include not suspect clips to show the difference of when he's toggled vs un toggled. It's a huge differnce, he doesn't prefire or anything he kills normal but once he toggles, he does prefire and kills instantly. In my honest opinion this guy is a hacker, while other people might have a different opinion (and i respect that different opinion) i'm going to bring attention to a potential hacker.

  • Ohzoj
    Member since May 11, 2017

    You're in the wrong section mate. Click this link  and click the report button there to properly report the player.

  • Ohzoj
    Member since May 19, 2017

    Thanks, appreciate it.

  • Ohzoj
    Member since May 05, 2017


    You're in the wrong section mate. Click this link  and click the report button there to properly report the player.

    This. As it seems to be your first time here I won't speak out a warning. Read the Rules of Conduct post at the top of this subforum. Not only that but read all the BF4DB policies before risking to get banned for mistakes you could've easily avoided.