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  • LinusTouchesTips
    Member since July 06, 2020

    Soldier Name: CertifiedBruhMom

    Link to BF4DB Soldier:

    Have you Claimed Your Soldier: Yes

    Appeal: Hi, so I've been playing on the [LEB] FAST XP/RESPAWN server for around a week now, and I must say I love the server; it is one of my all-time favorites. However, today I was playing on the server on Metro Rush and got a really good flank on the enemy team. I went on a 10 or 11 kill streak before one of the admins exclaimed in the chat: "Enjoy your ban, Certified" and banned me. When I attempt to join, the stated ban reason is: "you have been banned from this server. Stated reason: Making Room for Members", which is obviously false as one of the admins believed I was cheating. I can reassure the admins of this server (especially the owner of the server, CedarOfLebanon), that I did not and do not cheat. Here are the stats on all my accounts: 




  • LinusTouchesTips
    Member since January 04, 2018

    You're not banned by us so there's nothing much we can do for you.