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  • Dankemeister
    Member since September 26, 2017

    BF4DB profile:
    Ban reason - suspicious stats:


    I'm a longtime Battlefield player, and played Battlefield 4 for a few years now. Started in PS3 (played about 1k hours if I remember correctly) - link to that profile at the end - then switched to PC as soon as I could.

    That could explain the pumped statistics, as I wasn't a brand new player, but looked like one. I mainly (only really) play as an aggressive recon, and I know this type of player is prone to cheating, however I'm not, I just "practiced a lot", my older PS3 account is ranked 20th Recon and 3rd Sniper in my country. I'd like the ban to be lifted as there's no evidence that I'm cheating, and that I explained the reason for such high stats.

    Old PS3 account:

  • Dankemeister
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    It seems like your high kpm on pistols triggered the ban from our sitebot which was a little over zealous initially. I see nothing that shows the ban should stay. 

    Appeal approved