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  • Sharkbite_998
    Member since December 01, 2018

    BF4DB, You are now continually refusing to answer any of my 6 questions, Why is this?

    You are continually refusing to provide any evidence whatsoever that i was cheating, why is this?

    You are continually refusing to simply provide the contact information i have asked for, why is this?

  • Sharkbite_998
    Member since May 08, 2017


    BF4DB, You are now continually refusing to answer any of my 6 questions, Why is this?

    You are continually refusing to provide any evidence whatsoever that i was cheating, why is this?

    You are continually refusing to simply provide the contact information i have asked for, why is this?

    As said previously, the evidence is in the battlereports and your playing history. For you was the task to comply with the request and prove us wrong. Instead you choose to ramble about non related stuff and thus I assume you won't cooperate. For what reason only you know, I can only do a wild guess. What that guess is I am pretty sure the users of our service know.

    Do not create more threads as those will end up in the thrash bin together with your forum permissions.