I've reported him through Battlelog and on NUNYA's forums, but I chose to do so here as well.
According to Symthic.com, the stealth jet 20mm cannons do 10% damage vs infantry, regardless of where the infantry player is hit (body, head, legs). Source.
In this video, player Ravensnite takes me from full health to zero in one hit. If you need to slow down the video, you can, but my player goes from 100% health to 0% in one frame.
If you require more proof, I have another clip (which I could include a few minutes of if you want) where Ravensnite shoots and kills me from 500+ meters with the MAA through a solid object. My internet uplink is pretty pathetic, so I'd prefer to avoid that, but it can be done.
Thanks for your work. Good luck.
Read that and report accordingly.
/Thread closed.