^ title
The plugin is installed correctly, api is correct, cheat announcements is ON and displays banned players in chat and auto bans is ON.
I know the plugin is not supposed to kick players from official servers (i keep switching modes whenever a hacker join), but after i switch my server to RANKED & restart the server it also does not kick banned players, i have to manually ban them.
running procon from ezrcon ver and BF4DB plugin ver 2.0.15
i heard that downgrading procon should fix this, any tips?
Join our discord and open a plugin support ticket.
i rather wait for a response in here, thanks.
Well, your server is set as official, so BF4DB plug-in doesn't work like you said. But if you want to use our plugin, you need to restart the server putting ranked.
You need to decide whether you want the official or ranked server
and you obviously did not read the entire post.
i am not retarded and i know the plugin is not supposed to kick banned players from offiicial servers.
like i said , the plugin is not kicking banned players whenever the server is RANKED. anyways i will enable the debug option when the server is --------> RANKED <-------(idk if you can read now) and get the logs
Pls, join our discord and a director can help you.
sure. as soon as you disable phone verifcation.
not trying to giveaway my personal information to the CPP.
if you can't do that... then i will wait here patiently.
I just disabled phone verification on discord. You should be good to go.sure. as soon as you disable phone verifcation.
not trying to giveaway my personal information to the CPP.
if you can't do that... then i will wait here patiently.
Yes, that's correct, the server is brand new so it's easier to fill it up and get a playerbase on official mode. But every time a hacker joins i set the server to RANKED and restart the server to get rid of them.
I just disabled phone verification on discord. You should be good to go.sure. as soon as you disable phone verifcation.
not trying to giveaway my personal information to the CPP.
if you can't do that... then i will wait here patiently.
And I'll assume you meant CCP, not CPP, smarty pants.So let me get this straight, you set your server to official and then switch to ranked every time a hacker joins?Do you see why this half-scrambled idea would result in errors with the plugin?
i am not retarded
This is gold
not often.While you’re considering my above reply which was based on your previous posts, how often are you restarting your Procon layer? That could be playing into the issue.
and the server is also not being restarted all the time