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  • K0J0
    Member since October 10, 2020

    Soldier Name: K0j0KI
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes
    Appeal: I got banned for aimbot today. I think I got banned for my gamestyle? not sure. I have a really fast movement with my cursor and from the video I watched I saw nothing suspicious. One thing I noticed that I do alot is do a 360 that does look like im looking where the enemies are with WH but im just checking where my teammates spawn so I can estimate on which side of the map the enemies spawn. I have played Battlefield 3, 5 and hardline so I have experience with Battlefield in general that is why im so low level.

    And apparently the one who reported me said: "Looks like a magic bullet or some other assist to me." so did I get banned only because it looked like something called "magic bullet". And were my hipfire kills suspicious? I hipfired many times missing my target so there is no aimbot there. And should I start aiming when the enemy is 2 meters away from me?

    One thing I have to admit is that I do use a Ping spoofer. It is only because I get kicked in almost all of my games because: "Please fix your internet and join back". And I can't do anything else to make it better. But I can stop using it if I get forgiveness for that.

    That is all I have. I don't record my games so I don't have any video material/pictures.

    Please let me play this game more. My friend bought it too and I would love to play with him. Thank you for your time

    EDIT: Apparently one of the admins said: "first 5 min were enough evidence for my ban". I have watched the first 5 min now over 4 times and I still don't get what he meant by it

  • K0J0
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The first 5 minutes of the evidence show you playing with the SV98 and generally being terrible with your aim, as in you'd under aim or over aim your targets. You were targeting common spots and getting kills out of mostly luck. Then around 3:30 you switch to the DMR and your aim is wonderful. I have not watched all 24 mins of the video as of this post but will review it further. I would like to hear your explanation in the sudden change.

  • K0J0
    Member since October 10, 2020

    First of all I must say that my aim with the DMR is nothing special atleast to me. All of the kills I got with the DMR was because all of kills I get are because the enemy is standing still. That is not the case with the sniper shots I do. There is a part in the video at 1:09 where I shoot at the enemy and he is in the middle of my scope and I miss it. if I would have an aimbot I would have hit that 100% right? and that is only one clip there. And + this game doesn't really have recoil as much as example: CS:GO and PUBG. (main games I play) so the recoil is easy to control in this game compared to them.

    That is all I have to say now. Please keep reviewing this because I really want to play this game more and I was falsely banned in my opinion.

    You can ask whatever you like.

  • K0J0
    Member since October 10, 2020

    Oh yes so I should just be sitting around when I get banned for aimbot and now you are saying I was using ESP even tho I know I haven't used any of those?

    And top of all that you were the one top of the leaderboards? why are you not getting banned for 5 min of your gameplay? Just don't get it why a group of some people can ban me off the game like that...

    I should have no right to defend myself for this?

  • K0J0
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017


    You got banned for aimbot because the guy who reported you and the guy who banned you didnt realize that you had esp on, the video is full of moments where you know where someone is...


    Why are you replying on ban appeals? You aren't staff. Please refrain from replying on ban appeals.
  • K0J0
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    While your aim with the sniper is not that impressive, your game play does a complete 180 as soon as you switch to the DMR. You quickly acquire targets which seems to be in line with toggling. I will continue to review it and discuss it with the rest of the staff.

  • K0J0
    Member since October 10, 2020

    So I haven't heard from you guys yet. How is my case going?

  • K0J0
    Member since May 05, 2017

    The video shows clear usage of cheats being used.