Hello Im writing again, becouse my first appeal was denied. I really dont want to lose money and time for bf4! I don't have anny accounts I bought bf4 once. How can be it possible to have same location like mine? I don't know. I was on bf4 long time a go. I got banned 3 months when ofc I didn't play. Please belive me. In the hause I have only computer so no one is playing bf4.
Maybe I have the same public IP like a hacker, I don't know. please help me.
The first appeal: https://bf4db.com/forum/thread/ban-appeal-6543
My profile:https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/soldier/xowlboi/stats/814347311/pc/
The post: https://bf4db.com/player/ban/814347311%20[BF4DB]
I don't know that account: https://bf4db.com/player/1004315508348 Obviously it's not mine.
It is possible, and you are. You get one appeal.
Appeal denied.