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  • julien91
    Member since August 05, 2019


    Soldier Name: Usine-A-Gode (has been claimed)

    I've seen myself banned recently (
    it is true that i've found myself inside a wall on Hainan Resort. i just spawned on a guy who was inside the wall near elevator and i was thinking that he was in elevator.
    when i spawned i just was threw on a strange green floor, thinking that it was a bug. you can see on the video in the link up there that i did'nt make any kills before him and he cuts right after i killed him and what is not showed is that a few minutes later i ust realised that it was a bug and that ennemies couldn't reach me and i just killed myself to spawn on a flag. i do understand the ban because it's on video but i need you to belive me because i'm a fair player and i don't have any reasons to start glitching at lvl 99...
    thank you all for reading this appeal.
  • julien91
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Unless you have video showing the entire event as you describe, there’s nothing we can do for you. Do you have any video of the entire event as described?

  • julien91
    Member since August 05, 2019

    well i'm never recording my games... but you can clearly see on the video that i'm not here to kill people using glitches otherwise i would have a lot of kill and i would have killed him directly first he ran on the corridor on the video. 

    Plus, you can see on the video in the video that a voteban has been launched against wrangler_bump, who's the guy that reported me, and on this server, only active admins can launch a voteban. don't you think that the voteban would've been against me if i wasn't accidentally glitching?

    You can see here the battlereport wich shows a ridiculous 5 kills and 7 deads for me, wich shows that i was'nt glitching in any ways to kill, otherwhise i would have make some more kills for a lvl 99 :

    unfortunately, it's a shame because it is dificult to see trhe spawn and the guy on the minimap near me.

  • julien91
    Member since August 05, 2019

    is there anyone to help me please? thnaks

  • julien91
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Appeal approved.