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  • lucascnr
    Member since November 23, 2020

    Soldier Name: LucasCNR

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

    Appeal: I’m appealing my ban because until today I did not know of this site or the ban system, I’ve no clue as to why I was banned although it said ‘linked account’ but having viewed the linked account "baileybugy" I do not own it nor have anything to do with it. I haven’t played BF4 in several months and i've just downloaded it again on my new computer. I really don't know what's going on, i've been out the game for more than a year. I watched the video of how to submit a appeal, and it said that i was supposed to "attach somethig that proves my inocence". I don't know what i could attach, but I’m completely open to offering information. I've never hacked in this game or in any other.

    my battlereports:
  • lucascnr
    Member since November 23, 2020

    still banned :(

  • lucascnr
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Looks like your account was compromised and used to cheat. 

    Since the account was used to cheat, the ban will remain but will be flagged as hacked so you can purchase a new account and it will not be linked to your new one.