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    Member since August 08, 2020

    Soldier Name: Callsign_Amon
    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile
    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes.

    I was playing with one of my Friends doing normal TDM Hardcore rounds just to have fun and end the day when i got the ban.
    Like this video here:  as a proof of me "hacking" shows what exactly? where is that proof? The guy around 2:30 behind the crate maybe? Like everyone i showed this video laughed about this being a proof of someone hacking. Maybe its my high stats on  Where i have 86.12% K/H with the M40A5 and 2.01 KPM? Ever played on Hardcore where you do 1 shots with any sniper except the SR338 on the Torso?  OH I KNOW ITS THE 4 FLASHBANG KILLS! 

    I usually suck in other Modes like Conquest or even normal TDM coz i rely on the 1 shot of a sniper in Hardcore coz otherwhise i dont get many kills and in TDM Hardcore you only win by getting the most kills obviously. 

    I dont have Video proof myself since i gotta be happy that my PC doesnt burst out in flames with having Origin, BF4 and Discord open at the same time. But i can give you Battlereports of the last few idk how many days of gaming. I had extremely good games and extremely bad ones like every player in BF4 usually does. 

    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Me and other staff members have reviewed the video. At first I didn't feel like I saw much on it. However, upon closer inspection there were too many things you did that don't exactly fit the play style of someone playing HC. As a long time HC player, I have never traced enemies behind a wall like you can see here. That is one of the many examples where the aimbot usage is obvious enough to warrant a ban.

    Your appeal is denied.