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  • serkan
    Member since June 22, 2020

     I don't know the reason why I write 23% of my account, even if I play 3 mac without using the manager cheat.

    How can I object because I don't really use the cheat bf style because I can be new because I play a lot of single-player games and watch a lot of videos and play pretty well

    I object to this 23% cheat because I still don't use cheat, I can prove how you want it. I just got my account. I would be happy if you help

  • serkan
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    You are not banned by us. Not sure what you are appealing. That 23% cheat score means nothing other than you have some gun stats that are well above normal.

  • serkan
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    Wait I take it back. Linked account. Cheat score has been changed accordingly. Appeal Denied