first of all sorry for commenting on someone else's appeal... but i do believe that this guy is telling the truth
this things happen in BF4, not often ... its a 1 in 1 million chances of happening and he was falsely banned...
i will post this here:
this only happened between the person recording and the reported player, as you can see in the video if another enemy teamate shot him he would have taken damage and died.
(this video was recorded by the owner of COE(they stream to your plugin) as something people should be aware of that this kind of bugs happen, it's no ones fault but BF4 netcode fault).
Другие члены команды пересмотрели видеодоказательства и сочли их несоответствующими требованиям. В игре действительно возможны крайне редко ситуации, когда по врагу не проходит регистрация от обычного оружия от одного игрока, что было упущено принимавшим решение администратором. По видео видно, что вы получаете урон (в момент убийства камера показывает 30 хп), который, возможно, пришел частично от М320 ранее от вашего соратника.
Таким образом, мы приняли решение снять этот бан. Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства.
Хорошего дня и удачной игры.
Eng tl;dr: video evidence is too short and it's a known ingame bug when a player doesn't get hits registered from a certain enemy (but can get damaged by explosions and other people) as what's seen on the clips. On the first clip he gets killed from the right approx by a person with m320. This gadget seemingly did a splash damage to the person as well because on the 2nd encounter the player gets killed by the reported person who has 30 hp left.