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  • G00Fba1l
    Member since May 26, 2019

    Soldier Name: G00Fba1l

    Link To BF4DB Soldier Profile:

    Have You Claimed Your Soldier: Yes

    Appeal: I should be unbanned because I do not and have never cheated. I saw the videos that were submitted that resulted in my ban. His spectator mode was glitched out. It shows me getting kills while holding a medic bag but the kill feed says i was using the ar160, which is the gun that I mainly use. I can't tell you specifics about that particular game since that game and that recording are well over a year old. I don't know why that would get brought back up unless someone had a grudge against me (there are many). I have since been banned by admins on the server that that game happened on simply because they were tired of people complaining about me. Not because they had any proof of me cheating. I am happy to talk to an admin and I have plenty of game footage to back up my skill in the game if they are interested. 

  • G00Fba1l
    Retired Staff
    Member since May 05, 2017

    We've determined that the video seems to be more of a spectator glitch than you cheating.

    Appeal Approved.